Where did it all start…
By Admin, Published on 11-Feb-2023
Hey there, curious coders! Have you ever wondered why someone in their mid-forties would start learning to code? Well, buckle up and grab a cup of coffee because I've got a wild and interesting story to share with you.
I was born in the 70s, an era where the internet, cell phones, and computers were still a thing of the future. I grew up playing outside, climbing trees, and having good old-fashioned fun. Despite my love for adventure and exploration, I always had a curious mind and a desire to know how things worked. I remember trying my hardest not to take apart my folk’s television with a screwdriver, just to see what was inside.
After high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so I took the first job I could find. I moved from one job to another, trying my hand at everything from cutting glass to managing a butchery. Although I excelled at everything I did, I was never truly happy.
That all changed when I decided to go back to college and study Electrical Engineering. During my studies, I was offered an internship with the Air Force, and I ended up staying for six years, advancing to the rank of Sergeant and training apprentices. It was during my time in the military that I finally found my calling - working with computers.
A few years went by, and I found myself working as an onsite technician in the IT field, eventually becoming a regional supervisor. But then, the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and most of my work became remote. It was then that I started exploring coding, thanks to my son's interest in it. I was instantly hooked on Python and realized how much I had missed out on this amazing world of development.
So, there you have it! That's why I'm now a brand new (but with old bones) developer. It just goes to show that it's never too late to discover your true passion. Whether you're in your forties, fifties, or even sixties, the world of coding is waiting for you, and who knows, you might just find your AHA moment like I did. So, don't let age hold you back, and go ahead and start exploring the world of coding!